Edmonton Benefit 2017

I have a dream

I have a dream of a country that cares, not kills.  A nation that defends all human rights and sees all people as equal. A society that celebrates life and treasures each life as a beautiful gift. A culture that loves life and lives it fully without the shackles of fear. I have a dream that one day this nation will stand up for freedom and justice for all humans.  
Let freedom reign from conception to a natural death. 

I have a dream.


Alberta's Benefit for Life 2017 was as a huge success and points to the momentum building in Alberta.



With the help of the audience, Stephanie Fennelly demonstrated how a minority issue can win in politics.  She also outlined the unique work the The Wilberforce Project is engaged in including provincial communication, free pro-life political training and grassroots activism.

Irene Agnew courageously shared her first-hand experience with the brutal industry masked as "choice".  She shared the true pain of abortion and revealed that not only is one life taken, but many others are scarred.  Her vulnerability and honesty captivated the hearts of everyone in the room.  As one attendee said "This is courage!  It is so powerful to hear her personal story.  Thank you."

Kianna Owen challenged us with abortion facts and statistics, as well as a look at human rights. "If the pre-born are not human, then no justification to kill them is necessary. If the pre-born are human, then no justification is sufficient." At only 20 years old, Kianna's experience defending life across Canada coupled with her incredible speaking skills and beautiful personality left most speechless.   


The fundraising goal for the evening was $26,000. Not only did the attendees meet that goal, but they exceeded it.  On April 22nd, 380 dedicated Albertans' raised $30,400.50 to save lives and create change in Alberta.

Additionally, the goal to increase monthly donations by $1000 was almost achieved.  Only $120 a month yet to go!  Will you consider chipping in monthly to increase our staffing capabilities and expand our work?

Donate Here via credit card

If you'd like to set up bank account withdraws please call 780 421 7747.




"Thank you for changing my life today!" ~ Maria

"Incredible! Extremely informative and moving. I am inspired to share what I learned tonight with others. I'd like to return next year and bring guests." ~ Tina

"Thank you for giving a honest, passionate, informative and evidence-based evening about the realities of abortion. It was very powerful." ~Sarah

"Wow The pro-life passion I see, hear and feel at this dinner feels like it could make my heart explode! Thank you All so much for the life-affirming work you do day in and day out." ~ Maria

Save the Date and Spread the Word:

Save the date for Alberta's Benefit for Life, April 7th 2018! Come back to hear more powerful speakers, see what we achieved in a year's time, and perhaps most importantly, expand the movement by inviting more people to attend and hear the raw facts of this issue. Take the Table Challenge and aim to fill a whole table of ten next year, or more.

Let's work together to reveal this critical truth, and expand the movement, one seat at a time.

Call us to save your seat for next year 780.421.7747


Comment from the Executive Director:

I would like to attempt to express my gratitude for each of you; for your willingness to get inform, your willingness to act, and your love for the pre-born. It is so exciting to have a pro-life event sell out - twice!  Seeing a room bursting with nearly 400 dedicated and passionate people at the banquet is the reason why we will see change and see lives saved in Alberta.

You, yes YOU, are absolutely critical to this dream and essential in this plan for change.

Thank you for making the pre-born a priority in your life. As our speaker Kianna said Saturday, "The pre-born can not speak for themselves, we must be their advocate!"

